Thursday, January 31, 2013

too young for coffee?

this boy is always stealing sips of my coffee drink. doesn't matter what it is - iced coffee, latte's, or mocha milkshakes ;-)
this one was a mocha milkshake - yummy! so i don't blame him.
he would have drank the whole think if i let him.

you've got a few more years before you're allowed to like coffee buddy.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


beautiful light.
beautiful boy.
i wish i could see into his mind.
what are you thinking, love?

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


today was haircut day. everyone (except drew-still waiting on his first cut) got one, including kirby.
he's my "other" handsome boy!

Monday, January 28, 2013

corn dog

"how bout a corn dog mommy"!?
grady's request for lunch every. single. day.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

down i go

well, i'm striking out on lighting this week, but trying not to miss important moments. i have missed too many special moments by taking the time to adjust the variables in my image - lighting, composition, etc. well, this is another moment i didn't want to miss. 
my little boy started crawling down the stairs on his own! 
this is huge for him - we've been practicing :)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

growing up

this little boy is growing up on me way too fast!
did the fact that he has his hand down his undies tip you off it's a little boy?

couldn't decide what orientation i liked best ;)

pretty horrible nighttime bathroom lighting and angle, but i liked this moment ;)

Friday, January 25, 2013


drewski lovin his bath time. 
i love the look of wonder on his face, watching the water pour down on him.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

looking down on little lashes

i'm not sure why i love this. but i do. 
i took a series of images today - most of them of him laughing. or of his smiling cute face. 
but this is the one that stole my heart.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

a vision

my little love and his lovie

do you ever have a vision in your head, that just doesn't quite turn out the way you envisioned it?
please everyone say yes.
well this is one of those visions. i even moved the table and chairs to get a good view of the window and light... and then waited for him to step up to the window. unfortunately he didn't care about my vision. a half our later he decided to stride by, for ONE second. long enough to grab my camera. not long enough to change my settings for the ever-changing light. oh well. i photoshopped it to the best of my ability.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

view through my sunroof

now THIS is what a sunroof is for!


thank goodness for my iPhone. to catch beauty like this.
we don't get days like this nearly often enough... and it was so short-lived. 
but it was.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013

foggy beach

i was going to take family photos for a friend of mine at this location - a beach/landing/lighthouse/park in mukilteo. everyone wanted some sunny "beach" feel pictures. and who doesn't want a gorgeous sunset? however, the fog just wasn't going to lift. it's been thick for days. and although different, i thought it still might be pretty, so i decided to take my son there anyway and snap a few pics. 
i'm glad i did - this turned out to be one of my all time favorites.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

green cereal bar

most people stop at the grocery store to pick up the necessary staples-bread, milk, etc. well, this is included in our daily staples. the "green cereal bar", as grady has called it for the last year or so. he has one to two of them a day. yes. it's a bit ridiculous. drew has joined him in the fetish. it's one of the few things i can get him to eat these day. it's both of their favorite by a long shot.
why green cereal bar you ask? well, besides the obvious, this is the only flavor grady liked. now, after a year of the same boring old flavor, i bought strawberry the other day (they were out of the green ones)! strawberry was a hit! and is now called "pink green cereal bar", lol.

Friday, January 18, 2013

nose to the wall

time out has been a big joke in our house. nothing really seems to work. the boy doesn't stop moving!
so, i'm trying a new "nose to the wall" technique. he has to sit or stand (for the whole two minutes) with his nose to the wall.
it's an improvement. at least a little. for now.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


i loved this snapshot of drew and his auntie kristin. so much joy captured. it melts my heart a little.
they adore each other.

i haven't worked much with haze, sun flare, or backlighting, so it was fun to try something different and play with processing a little.

i love beautiful light.
and my beautiful boys.

grady and more sun flare

and a couple of my other favorites from tonight that i couldn't leave out...
my little sunshine. that's exactly what he is. 
that little smile brightens my day. every day.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

tippy toes

if he was a ballerina, this little boy would need no point shoes. 
he has taken to walking around on his tip toes A LOT lately. and in effort to reach anything and everything, this is what works for him :)

Monday, January 14, 2013


grady's new thing is making a tunnel/ramp with the magna-tiles. or as grady calls it - a "wamp". 
he then finds his bucket of cars and drives them down - one by one (all 200+) - until there is a major pile-up at the bottom and no more will go through. then he gets all emotional.
this is his look after the pile-up... followed by "ma - fix the wamp"!!!
big life problems of a 3-year-old...

this wasn't the best picture in the world. really nothing was working for me - crappy light, maxed ISO, open ap, low shutter speed. i tried to fix it a bit in post processing, but it still looked pretty flat and noisy. the color version works better (i think anyway), but i wanted to pull focus out of all the busyness of the image, to what i actually focused on - thus the b/w play with the one truck in color (grady's favorite truck). well, maybe not the best candidate for b/w, and pretty horrible conversion (no matter how many times i played with it, i couldn't quite get it to what i wanted), but it was fun to play and try new things!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

play the song!

grady has moved on from "chicken fried" and found a new favorite song - "china grove" by the doobie brothers. 
he is either racing his police car around the kitchen or dancing to this song. and let me tell you - this boy has some interesting moves ;-)
never a dull moment.

he's starting to rub off on drew, too

Saturday, January 12, 2013

personal lens keeper

i was sitting at home this afternoon thinking of what to capture for my daily photo. i finally got an idea (which i won't even mention what, because it is super boring and really lacks any inspiration - i seriously need to kick my butt into gear, get some energy/motivation, and start trying some new/interesting things) and set it all up. then, this little munchkin pops into my viewfinder just as i click the shutter.
i should know better than to leave my lens cap on the floor. he always finds it and always attempts to put it back on my lens. nice i never have to worry about losing my lens cap, with this little munchkin trailing behind, but it makes taking pictures a little more difficult ;)

i tried to get a second shot afterwards that was more in focus

Friday, January 11, 2013


nothing can hold this boy's attention like a good cartoon!
trying to catch a few minutes of little einstein's before leaving to get his brother at preschool.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

oh lambie...

what would drew do if we ever lost lambie? 
i worry about this a lot. he's not allowed to leave the car or house anymore due to this potential tragedy. because really, who am i kidding? it would probably be just as hard on us as it would him. this little lovie has been his best friend - basically since day one. he has sure taken a beating in his day, but he's still going strong ;)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

toothy grin

love my little man's toothy grin. 
how can 4 little teeth be so darn cute?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

magna-tile road race

i have to admit. this was actually taken on day 1. but, after a 14 hr work day, i did not have the energy to pull out my camera for a day 8 image. but because i want to post at least something daily - this was another favorite of mine.

and due to my crooked in-camera composition, i had to chop his fingers off when straightening in post.
no choice. wah.

Monday, January 7, 2013


i found a little boy trying to sneak (ever so quietly) out of his gymnastics class today.
and someone else wanted to sneak in... ;)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

little toes and baby bums

the little mr. falls asleep with his bum in the air every night. i love it. his big brother use to do the same thing. with those little feet crossed... and precious little toes...
little details a mama never wants to forget.

he decided to sleep in this morning - so i snuck in before he woke up. there was minimal light and autofocus wasn't focusing, so i gave manual focus a shot. 
the first was a little more successful. i think i got a little motion blur in the second.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

who's that name!?

grady's most recent favorite game with us...
he pulls out all of his cars, holds them up - one by one, and asks 
"who's that name"!?
he just giggles and giggles. 
we now either know the name (or have made up a name) for each and every car.

ISO 6400! 
that's basically all i shoot at these days since i rarely see the sun anymore.
even though i didn't have to bring up exposure much at all, it's pretty noisy. i never thought i'd want a speedlight, but i'm really finding myself wishing i had one (a lot) lately...

Friday, January 4, 2013

birthday boy

happy 6th birthday kirby klive!
yes, i feel a little bad that i forgot his birthday the last couple of years. so, he got a few extra treats and special snacks today in attempts to make up for it. they may have been a christmas present as well... it turns out, dogs with birthdays close to christmas get jipped just as much as kids.
i definitely have a love-hate relationship with this cute little guy - he's a little shit most of the time. but i do love him.

 ~waiting for his birthday snack tonight~

oh, and do you love my photoshop skills with the quick selection tool!?
all i wanted to do was brighten him - just a touch. turns out it doesn't work so well with fur.
bad choice - lesson learned.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

how i roll

this little boy loves cars just as much as his big brother. thankfully.
he spends much of his time, just like this. lazy much? :)
so fascinated with wheels.