Monday, January 14, 2013


grady's new thing is making a tunnel/ramp with the magna-tiles. or as grady calls it - a "wamp". 
he then finds his bucket of cars and drives them down - one by one (all 200+) - until there is a major pile-up at the bottom and no more will go through. then he gets all emotional.
this is his look after the pile-up... followed by "ma - fix the wamp"!!!
big life problems of a 3-year-old...

this wasn't the best picture in the world. really nothing was working for me - crappy light, maxed ISO, open ap, low shutter speed. i tried to fix it a bit in post processing, but it still looked pretty flat and noisy. the color version works better (i think anyway), but i wanted to pull focus out of all the busyness of the image, to what i actually focused on - thus the b/w play with the one truck in color (grady's favorite truck). well, maybe not the best candidate for b/w, and pretty horrible conversion (no matter how many times i played with it, i couldn't quite get it to what i wanted), but it was fun to play and try new things!

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